Generating narration for any video

Take any video and generate a transcription and VoiceOver for it in any voice or style.

# artifical-intellegence

Project overview


  • GPT-4 Turbo with Vision
  • Whisper v3


  • Xcode
  • OpenAI API

Key features

  • Generate VoiceOver for any video
  • Choose from a variety of voices and styles


The why

  1. Make video content more accessible to those with visual impairments
  2. Allow creators to generate VoiceOver for their videos in any voice or style
  3. Push GPT-4 Turbo with Vision to its limits by combining it with Whisper and creating use cases


Transcribing a video with GPT-4's Vision capabilities

The first step is to upload a video to the app. The video is then transformed into a series of static images and sent to GPT-4 Turbo with Vision for transcription.

This is because, currently, GPT-4 Turbo cannot transcribe videos directly, so we have to break it down into a series of images first, like a slideshow verison of the video.

The idea is to give GPT-4 enough context, along with any user settings like style and persona, to understand the video and generate detailed a transcription.

Generating VoiceOver with Whisper v3

Here we are using a stock video of a penalty shootout to generate some VoiceOver commentary for it. The twist being that we can choose from a variety of voices and styles.

We can choose the style to be a poem, and the persona to be of David Attinborough. The result is what you see here in the gif, a decent attempt at a poetic commentary of the penalty shootout in the video (full video below).

The commentary is impressively accurate to what is going on in the video - inferring that it's of an indoor penalty shootout for starters - and takes into account the sequence of events, like the striker stepping forward and the keeper subsequently crouching. All these details are picked up and written into the poem.

This is a testament to GPT-4's inference capabilities, and why it is so powerful for many use cases, generating VoiceOver being one of them.

Of course you don't have to make GPT follow a particular style or persona, you could fine-tune the model however you'd like to get the results you want. The possibilities are endless.

The prototype

More than meets the eye

Enhancing financial services accessibility through video content

Enhancing accessibility for visually impaired clients, our feature significantly broadens the reach of your financial advisories and market analysis videos. This inclusivity not only aligns with compliance standards but also taps into a wider audience, fostering greater client trust and loyalty.

Incorporating this feature into your platform can revolutionise user experience for those with visual impairments, potentially expanding your client base by making financial insights more accessible.

Streamlining product discovery with automated video labelling

Automate the labelling of your product video library to make your offerings more searchable and discoverable. This technology can dramatically enhance user experience, making it easier for customers to find exactly what they're looking for.

This process not only saves time but also optimises your inventory management and improves SEO, driving more traffic to your site.

Enriching educational materials with audio content

Adapting video lectures and educational materials into audio content through our video to VoiceOver feature opens up new avenues for learning. It caters to auditory learners and provides flexibility for students to learn on-the-go, enhancing the educational offering.